Seriously Funny

Sophie Shrand has made a career of combining her love of science with a talent for comedy.
By Sophie Shrand
woman on a film set

Scientist and comedian Sophie Shrand created the television series Science with Sophie to make women in science more visible in the media. Shrand met with students at a Your Hot Job career event. Hereā€™s what she had to say.

Iā€™m the creator and host of Science with Sophie, a science-comedy television series for girlsā€”and for everyone. Iā€™m also the founder and CEO of the company that runs that show. I operate under the personal mission statement that girls are brave, curious, funny, and smart scientists. My career has been devoted to spreading that message.Ā 

I followed a nontraditional career path. I have been an educator for over a decade, working in science museums. Iā€™m also a comedian. Iā€™ve been an actor my whole life. I became an entrepreneur to create a business that I knew the world needed. I had to learn how to be a boss and run the company, because my education wasnā€™t in entrepreneurship.

I have two degrees from Northeastern University, in Boston. I studied behavioral neuroscience and theater. People told me I had to choose one or the other, and I said, ā€œNo, I love them both.ā€ If you like multiple things, there are ways to combine them all. Never let anyone tell you that you canā€™t do it. I worked in science labs, doing neuroscience research. I love learning about why people do what they do, and our relationships with each other. And I love asking the question: ā€œBased on our biology, why are we who we are?ā€Ā 

Hereā€™s the thing: Scientists ask those questions. Theater also asks those questions. The arts explore these questions, just from a different angle. The fields are complementary. Thatā€™s why I maintained my work as an actor as I did my scientific work. And I realized that my favorite thing about science was communicating it, sharing with people.

I started working at the Museum of Science in Boston. I ran the lightning show. The museum houses a Van de Graaff generator: two big spheres, with the tubes underneath that generate a million volts of electric charge and create indoor lightning storms. Then, at the Museum of Science and Industry, in Chicago, I taught lab programs about many kinds of science, such as forensics, physics, medicine, and space. The museum has a classroom setup where students come in on field trips and do hour-long science experiments. I taught 25,000 students during my time there. I was also working at Second City, a comedy theater. I fell in love with improvisational comedy. I started thinking about how I might combine improvisation as a learning tool in my teaching.Ā 

Shrand records a segment of Science with Sophie.

I was also thinking about my experience as a woman in science, a woman in comedy, and a woman in education. I realized that women in these fields donā€™t have representation in the media. You may have heard this before: We need more women in STEM. Thatā€™s because by age 6, girls already see themselves as less smart than boys. Part of the problem is that women need more representation in the field. The only woman I had ever seen doing science on TV was a cartoon. So I thought, ā€œYou know what? Weā€™re out there, letā€™s make a show that really highlights us.ā€ And thatā€™s what I did.Ā 

Science with Sophie is a funny solution to a serious problem. It is sketch comedy. I play all the characters. We meet real scientists, children all the way to adults. Itā€™s the kind of science show I wish I had had when I was a kid. Making the show is satisfying work. Comedy is such a great tool for learning. When we laugh, we learn. It has proven to be true in my work as an educator, as a creator, and as a human being. I love infusing comedy into my work. And I have combined that with my passion for curiosity, for considering the world around me. I encourage you, if youā€™re interested in any of those things, to reach out to me. Letā€™s talk more about it.