Meet Gail Gibbons

She helps kids learn about the world.

Author and illustrator Gail Gibbons loves to learn. “As a kid, I was curious about everything,” she told TFK. “I had so many questions.”

As a child, Gibbons loved to read. She often visited the library in her town.
eager to learn
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Babies are naturally curious.
and her interest in art led Gibbons to a career as an author and illustrator. She has written and illustrated more than 100 nonfiction books for children.

Transportation is the new book by Gail Gibbons. It includes buses, cars, and more.
Explaining the World
In her books, Gibbons teaches kids about the world. She has written about many topics. These include volcanoes, deserts, farming, and our galaxy. Many of her books are about animals. Her new book is Transportation.

Gibbons illustrates her books with bright pictures.
2012 BY GAIL GIBBONS, FROM LADYBUGS, ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDTo get ideas, Gibbons talks with students about their interests. She also gets inspiration from her home in Vermont. “I live in the woods, and wildlife is everywhere,” she says.

Gail Gibbons does research before writing. She visited two islands for her book on rain forests.
KENT ANCLIFFEGibbons does lots of research before starting a book. Sometimes, her research involves travel. Her husband takes pictures. Gibbons uses them to create her illustrations.

Gibbons enjoys meeting students. She gets book ideas from them.
Gibbons visits schools to talk about her work. She tells kids to write about topics that interest them. “I love what I do,” Gibbons says. “I get to keep asking questions.” So, what topics interest you?
What topic would you like Gail Gibbons to write a book about?
The Write Stuff
All writing starts with an idea. Read about four steps on the road to a finished product. Then answer the questions.

1. Prewriting
What will you write? Brainstorm ideas. Find a topic you want to explore.

2. Drafting
Start writing. Move your ideas from your head to the page or screen.

3. Revising and Editing
Reread your work. Are your ideas clear? Check spelling and punctuation.

4. Rewriting
Make changes based on feedback. Write or type your final draft.
1. In which step do you brainstorm ideas?
2. In which step do you type a final draft?
3. Why is it important to make your ideas clear?