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United States

Lincoln's Leadership

December 20, 2023

The other president we honor on Presidents’ Day is Abraham Lincoln. His birthday was February 12, 1809. He was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. His parents did not know how to read or write. But Lincoln would go…



Underwater Discovery

November 30, 2023

In early November, a diver was swimming off the coast of Sardinia. That’s in Italy. The diver spotted pieces of metal on the ocean floor. He alerted authorities. More divers were sent to look. The pieces turned out to be…



Message from the Past

February 6, 2023

On January 17, archaeologists in Norway announced a discovery. They may have found the world’s oldest rune stone. The flat rock is etched with runes. These are letters. They’re from an ancient language. The stone could have been carved 2,000…



Making Mummies

November 10, 2022

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs and other wealthy people were made into mummies after they died. Why? Egyptians believed the dead would need their bodies in another life. Mummies were wrapped up tight. (above) First, the body was cleaned. Egyptians used…


United States

A Day For Remembering

September 10, 2021

September 11, 2001, was a dark day in United States history. People who wanted to harm the U.S. took control of four airplanes. They flew two planes into skyscrapers in New York City. They crashed one into the Pentagon building,…


United States

Remembering the March

December 17, 2020

On August 28, 1963, people poured into Washington, D.C. They came for a special event. It was called the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It drew about 250,000 people. They wanted the United States government to pass new…


United States

A New Statue

January 10, 2020

December 1, 1955, was a major moment in civil rights history. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat on a bus to a white passenger. It was in a part of the bus set aside for white people. This was…



Changing Times

November 29, 2019

Ancient Times Rome is an ancient city in Italy. For more than 500 years, it was the center of a great empire. The city’s wealth and power can be seen in monuments that are still standing. One of the grandest…



Pieces of the Past

November 29, 2019

What was life like in ancient Rome? In many ways, it was like our life today. We can tell from the objects that have survived. Take a look at these everyday items. They were discovered by archaeologists. What do they…


Ben's Big Adventure

December 7, 2018

Benjamin Franklin is a key figure in American history. Now we can learn what he might have been like as a teenager. Gen-Z Media has created a podcast. It’s called Young Ben Franklin. Listeners meet a fictional 14-year-old Ben. They…