We knew this question would spark a lively debate. School is a big part of life. Not just for kids, but for families, too. And for teachers. Everyone has an opinion about what is best for students. Do kids need homework? Some of our readers say students need the extra work. Others say homework takes time away from exercise. Readers also wondered what kind of homework kids should do. And how much they need. Here’s what some of you said.

Pradyun Senthilkumar, 9
Los Angeles, California
Kids need homework. When they learn something new in school, reviewing it at home helps them remember it. At my school, teachers give math and language-arts homework. That is because there is a lot we need to learn. And our homework gives teachers valuable information.
It tells them how much we are paying attention in class. It also tells them who needs extra help.

Olivia Lin, 9
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Giving students homework is a bad idea. Kids need time for themselves after school. They can do activities that build a healthy mind and body. Homework just causes stress. And stressed students do poor homework. That is worse than doing none at all. If students are working hard in class, they do not need the extra work. It is better that they do not have it, for the sake of their health. And their happiness.

Isla Dhaliwal-Grizzell, 8
Spokane, Washington
I think kids need homework. But the amount should vary by age. At my school, elementary students get homework. But it is not too much. For example, we might have to learn spelling words at home. Then we will take a test in class. We do most of our learning in class. For some homework, our families have to help. Other homework is optional. We get a special prize for doing it.

Isaac McKee, 11
Durham, North Carolina
Homework is pointless. Kids already spend six hours a day in school. Homework just makes them repeat what they have been doing all day long. Plus, it takes time away from activities like sports, hobbies, and playing. These are just as important as schoolwork. They keep kids active. Kids do not need to spend more time staring at a piece of paper or a computer screen.

Jolynn Xiao, 9
Corpus Christi, Texas
Here is why I think kids need homework. Imagine you cannot solve a math problem on a homework assignment. Now your teacher knows what to help you with. Parents also have a chance to help. So why would we not want kids to have homework?

Nathaniel Kim, 11
South Pasadena, California
I do not deny that homework teaches us positive work habits. But it takes time away from learning material that was not covered in class. I do not think homework should be done away with completely. But it should be reduced. This would give students more time for creative activities.
What is your opinion?

People share their opinions in a debate. This is a good way to learn what others care about.
TIM PLATT/GETTY IMAGESWhen people debate, it is usually about something they really care about. That is why TIME for Kids editors chose homework as a debate topic. We knew kids would have a lot to say about it.
Have this debate with your classmates. Or come up with another topic that you care about. First, write down your opinion about it. Make a list of the reasons you hold that opinion. Then get into a group. Give everyone a chance to share their opinion. Remember: The point of a debate is not to show that your opinion is the best. It is to discover other ways of seeing the topic. On some points, you and your classmates might even agree.