Fantastic Forests

A forest is made up of trees. This habitat is also home to many creatures. Did you know there are three types of forests? Read about them here.
Tropical Rain Forest

Tropical rain forests are hot and damp. They are home to more plant and animal species than any other habitat. The biggest rain forest is the Amazon. It is in South America. In the Amazon, you’ll find monkeys, frogs, toucans, jaguars, and other animals.
Temperate Forest

Temperate forests are found all over the world. They have four seasons. They can be hot or cold depending on the time of year. Animals in these forests must adapt to the changing weather. Many types of trees grow in temperate forests. The leaves change color with the seasons.
Boreal Forest

Boreal forests are cold. They are found in northern parts of the world. Spruce and pine trees grow in boreal forests. These trees have leaves shaped like needles. The largest boreal forest is in Russia. It is called a taiga. It is home to animals such as moose, wolves, and caribou.