Winning Rhymes

Poet Kenn Nesbitt picks his favorites in the TFK poetry contest.
April is Poetry Month. Every year, TFK asks kids to write poems for our poetry contest. Entries pour in from across the country. Poet Kenn Nesbitt is our judge. Here are the grand-prize-winning poem and three runners-up.

My Locker Is a Monster
By Inica Kotasthane, 13
My locker is a monster,
it’s absolutely true!
It eats my books, my bag, my pens:
Once it ate my shoes!
Its wide-open jaws
snatch everything in sight.
Goodbye, science homework!
There’s no doing you tonight.
You want to borrow a pencil?
I’m sorry, I’ve got none left.
I don’t have any paper, either.
My locker’s committed a theft.
I know I didn’t do my homework
but it isn’t even my fault!
My locker has it, of course,
hidden deep in its vault.
I’m always late to class,
I can’t go without my stuff!
I’d be better off without my locker,
because opening it is just too tough.
I can’t wait for the day
when my locker and I’ll have to part.
I’ve learned my lesson, I’m ready for high school.
No using a locker: I’ll use a shopping cart!

My Windows Broke
By Tyler Diehl, 11
My windows broke
and so I froze.
I dropped my mouse
onto my toes.
I took a drive,
ended in a crash,
and now there goes
all my precious
(presh-us): of great value
( )
Diamonds are precious jewels.
Got byte after byte,
had very bad pain,
then got a virus,
a very bad strain.
I hope this never
ever happens again,
but it probably will
cuz I have Windows 10.

Ode to a Parsnip
By Lucy Katz, 11
You may be healthy
Some say you are sweet
But I regret to inform you
That to me you are not a treat
I may get vitamin C when I chew
But to me it is just called vitamin ewwwww
Grandma may love you
Uncle Tom thinks you’re neat
But to me you taste like a bowl of stinky feet
The carrot may be your cousin
This fact you can’t deny
But if one more parsnip makes it in my mouth
I think I just might cry
Please don’t take this personally
I hope I didn’t offend
But dear parsnip, I regret to inform you
Our relationship must come to an end
What is poetry? How is it different from other kinds of writing?