Some schools make students wear uniforms. Other schools let kids pick what they want to wear. Here, two TFK Kid Reporters weigh in on the school uniform debate.
Tyler Mitroff, 10
Bethesda, Maryland

School uniforms are a great idea! In a school without uniforms, some students might wear expensive clothes. Kids who can’t get nicer clothes might be judged by their appearance. But uniforms help make kids feel equal. They’re also good for school spirit. With uniforms, all kids can feel like a part of the community.
Nora Wilson-Hartgrove, 9
Durham, North Carolina

School uniforms should not be required. They take away a kid’s creativity. Many schools already have dress codes to make sure kids wear the right kind of clothing. And some schools with uniforms make girls wear skirts. Skirts can be very uncomfortable. Enough with the uniforms! Let kids learn to make their own choices about what to wear.