First Pets

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden love dogs. They have a German shepherd named Major who lives with them at the White House. Their other dog, Champ, died in June at age 13. The dogs are part of a long White House tradition. Over the years, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and even raccoons have spent time there as First Pets. Read on to learn about five United States presidents and their beloved animals.
President Barack Obama

Presidential term: 2009–2017
Pets: Two dogs
Fun Fact: While running for office, Obama promised his daughters they could have a dog when the campaign ended, win or lose. In 2009, Bo joined the family at the White House. In 2013, they got another dog, Sunny.
President George W. Bush

Presidential term: 2001–2009
Pets: Three dogs, one cat
Fun Fact: President George W. Bush became president eight years after his father, George H.W. Bush, left office. George Jr.’s English springer spaniel, Spotty, was a pup of the elder Bush’s dog. Spotty is the only pet who lived in the White House during two administrations.
President John F. Kennedy

Presidential term: 1961–1963
Pets: Five horses, seven dogs, three birds, two hamsters, one cat, one rabbit
Fun Fact: The Kennedys’ dog Pushinka was a gift from the leader of the Soviet Union. Pushinka’s mother traveled into space with the Soviet space program.
President Calvin Coolidge

Presidential term: 1923–1929
Pets: Twelve dogs, seven birds, two cats, two raccoons, and more!
Fun Fact: First Lady Grace Coolidge (pictured) brought Rebecca, one of the First Family’s pet raccoons, to the White House Easter Egg Roll.
President Teddy Roosevelt

Presidential term: 1901–1909
Pets: Five guinea pigs, one bear, one lizard, one pig, one badger, one barn owl, one rabbit, one pony, and more!
Fun Fact: When Roosevelt’s son Archie was sick, his brothers brought their pony into the White House to visit him in his bedroom.