It’s Rhyme Time!

Poetry is a way of playing with language. Poems can have a rhythm, and poems can rhyme. Poems can be made up of full sentences or just groups of words. Some poems have a structure
a pattern or arrangement; the way in which something is put together
The schedule of the school day has a rigid structure.
. Others do not. Read on to learn about three new poetry books for kids.
Listen to the Music

Do you know the TV show Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? Fred Rogers, the host, wrote songs for kids. A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD brings together the words to 75 of them. Luke Flowers illustrated the book. As a kid, he was a fan of the show. “Being part of this book is a dream come true!” he told TFK.
Get Into the Rhythm

Trains have a rhythm
a repeated pattern of sounds
a repeated pattern of sounds
. So do poems. Author Skila Brown brought the two together in CLACKETY TRACK. It’s a new book of poems about trains. “Poetry is about rhythm,” Brown told TFK. “When you ride a train, the sound is so rhythmic and soothing. It seemed like the perfect thing to use in poetry.”
Learn a Few Lessons

Ever wonder how to scare a monster? Or how to toast a marshmallow? THE PROPER WAY TO MEET A HEDGEHOG is a set of how-to poems selected by Paul B. Janeczko. The book was edited by Liz Bicknell. “Poetry can move you to tears,” Bicknell told TFK. “It can teach you how to do things and comfort you when you need it.”