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Shay Maunz

Shay Maunz is an Associate Editor at TIME for Kids. Before joining TFK, in 2018, Shay was a freelance writer and editor. She’s written about everything from Sesame Street for refugee kids to rats in Vietnam, and has been published by Glamour, NPR, and Atlas Obscura. Shay grew up in West Virginia. She lives in Brooklyn with her pet poodle, Frannie.

Latest Stories


Water Run

December 4, 2018

Addyson Moffitt is an 8-year-old from Kansas City, Missouri. Maurine Chelagat is a 9-year-old from a village in Kenya called Bartabwa. It might not seem as if the girls have much in common. But when they met at a dinner…


Robots at Work

November 30, 2018

When he was a kid, Alex Vardakostas helped out in his parents’ restaurant. “As soon as standing on top of a milk crate made me tall enough to reach the counter, I was making sodas for customers,” he told TIME…



Mars Landing

November 30, 2018

NASA’s InSight spacecraft made it to Mars on November 26. The landing ended a 300 million–mile journey that lasted more than six months. Flight controllers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in California, cheered when InSight touched down. “Flawless,” Rob…

United States

State Races

November 9, 2018

In the midterm elections, 36 states elected a governor. At press time, Democrats had won 16 governorships. Seven were elected in states that currently have Republican governors. But Republicans are projected to win in Florida and Ohio. Those are states…

Time Off

In the Middle

November 1, 2018

In Blended, 11-year-old Isabella splits her time between two families and two identities. Her parents are divorced. As she takes turns living with them, Isabella struggles to understand how the world sees her—and how she should see herself. Is she…


On the Move

October 26, 2018

A caravan of migrants from Central America set out from Honduras on October 13 with about 200 people. By October 22, it had reached Mexico, and the number of migrants had swelled to an estimated 7,000. The group is traveling…

United States

Michael's Fury

October 19, 2018

Hurricane Michael tore into the Florida Panhandle on October 10. It left a trail of destruction as it traveled inland to Georgia and up the East Coast to Virginia. At press time, officials confirmed that at least 26 people were…


Habits for a Healthy Brain

October 12, 2018

A new study shows that meeting three benchmarks for health can strengthen kids’ brains. The benchmarks are getting nine to 11 hours of sleep each night, exercising at least 60 minutes a day, and spending less than two hours a…


Team Puffin

October 12, 2018

Atlantic puffins spend most of their life at sea. When it’s time to lay eggs, the birds gather on seaside cliffs. They burrow into the ground to build nests. After a puffling, or chick, hatches, it spends six weeks in…



Fossil Find

September 28, 2018

Scientists have found that a mysterious type of 500 million–year-old fossil, found in Australia and Russia, was formed by an animal. It was one of the earliest creatures on Earth. The first fossil of this kind was described in…