Hope for the Wild

In northeastern Peru lies an unspoiled area of Amazon rain forest. It is called Yaguas. It stretches along 125 miles of the Putumayo River.
Amazon rain forests affect rain patterns across the globe. Keeping them intact
complete; not damaged or diminished
The sailboat survived the storm intact.
is one of the best ways to fight climate change. This is why the Peruvian government created Yaguas National Park. As of January, more than 2 million acres of rain forest are protected against deforestation—or the cutting down of trees—due to logging and gold mining. The new park is about the size of Yellowstone National Park, in the United States.

“It’s a triumph to protect this particular corner of Peru. It is biologically really special,” Nigel Pitman told TFK. He is a scientist. He is working to document the region’s biodiversity
the existence of many different types of plants and animals within an environment
The rain forest is home to 10% of the world's biodiversity, including endangered species like the poison dart frog.
. “It reminds us of how much progress governments and indigenous
produced, growing, or living naturally in a particular place
Wild sunflowers are indigenous to North America.
peoples in South America have made in protecting the whole Amazon.”

TAKING STOCK Scientist Nigel Pitman collects plants in the Yaguas rain forest.
Rain forests are vital to the health of the planet. Their trees and plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They replace it with oxygen. Dense cloud cover keeps them moist and warm. They are perfect for a wide variety of life.
Yaguas is one of the most biodiverse spots on Earth. The park is home to more than 3,000 species of plants, 500 species of birds, and 160 species of mammals. Jaguars and anteaters prowl the forest floor. Woolly monkeys watch from the trees. Rivers teem
to be full of
The Amazon River teems with fish.
with dolphins and giant otters. Fish are abundant. There are about 550 kinds. Scientists have discovered more new fish species here than anywhere else.

DISCOVERY Many fish from Yaguas are new to scientists.
ALVARO DEL CAMPO—THE FIELD MUSEUMNational park status will protect the area for indigenous communities. More than 1,000 people rely on the forest’s plants and animals for food. These people call the forest Sachamama, or “Mother Jungle.” For years, they have been teaching scientists about the forest’s plant and animal life. Their efforts helped convince Peru’s government that Yaguas was worth saving.

BIG CATCH People in Yaguas depend on its rivers’ abundant fish for food.
ALVARO DEL CAMPO—THE FIELD MUSEUMLiz Chicaje Churay is president of the Federation of the Native Communities of the Ampiyacu River. In a press release, she said, “The benefits are for everyone, for the future of everyone, for the country and for the world.”