Our Resolutions

What resolutions are you making for 2024? We want to know how you’ll help the causes you care about. Fill in the prompt, and send us your answer at tfkeditors@time.com. Check out examples below from a few of our TFK Kid Reporters.

Audrey Owolo
I care about preventing bullying. Next year, I resolve to get involved with antibullying efforts in my community, because I care about the mental health of all kids.

Abhijay Potluri
I care about equal learning opportunities for all kids. Next year, I resolve to expand my project to teach kids in need, because I want to help bridge learning disparities in the world.

Alexa Oh
I care about salmon restoration. Next year, I resolve to clean with all-natural products, to minimize the amount of chemicals I use, because they affect the waters that salmon live in.

Ben Stern
I care about food insecurity. Next year, I resolve to collect food donations from my community to help people in need of nourishing food, because I want everyone to have enough to eat.