The 18th Ice Music Festival Norway is scheduled to take place in Europe next month. You can read about this cool event in “Musical Nature,” in this week’s TIME for Kids. Twelve-year-old Eivind Sehl Mørch has attended the festival before, and he and his family will return this year. Here, Eivind writes about his experience.

Winter is fun! My name is Eivind, and I live in Norway. I love skiing, and I like to build snow caves. Last winter, I went with my family to the Ice Music Festival in Bergsjø, a half-hour drive from where we live. There was a tent built from ice. There were musical instruments, including drums, horns with different sounds, and a big xylophone—all made out of ice. People played real music on these instruments. It must be pretty cold, making and shaping the instruments, since they need to stay frozen. If they get warm, they’ll melt and disappear. At the festival, the musicians talked a lot about the environment and how Earth is getting warmer. It was rather cold to sit still and listen to the music. I wonder what kind of instruments they will make this year.