STEM Stars

Could a parachute made of duct tape save your life in a 650-foot free fall? Could flatulence power a rocket? These are two of many “myths” a team of kid geniuses set out to shatter in MythBusters Jr., a 10-episode series on Science Channel. Its first episode aired January 2.
The six young “busters” on MythBusters Jr. are expert builders, coders, inventors, and math whizzes. They’re all under the age of 16. CANNAN HUEY-YOU (far right) is a 12-year-old college student. He is also a prodigy in astrophysics. He has been a fan of the original MythBusters for some time. “I’ve been watching it since I was really little,” he told TFK Kid Reporter Ruby West. “Being able to test all these myths has been really fun.”
ADAM SAVAGE (center) is the show’s executive producer and a cohost. He told TFK he was excited to work with the team of young STEM stars. MythBusters Jr. is all about the kids, he says: “We created a set where these six geniuses could really stretch their wings.”