Cool Cats

This is a cheetah. It is the fastest animal on land. Find out about other kinds of wild cats.

Margays are small cats. They live in the jungles of Central and South America. Margays are good climbers and spend much of their time in trees.

Tigers are the biggest members of the cat family. They are fierce
eager to fight; aggressive
(adjective )
Fierce wolves hunted a deer.
hunters. Did you know that tigers are also good swimmers? They love to play in the water.

Caracals live in Africa and the Middle East. These cats have black, pointed ears. Caracals can leap high into the air to catch birds and other prey.

Bobcats live in most U.S. states. These small cats are quiet hunters. They like to sneak up on prey and then pounce
to suddenly jump onto something
( verb)
The kitten pounced on the ball of string.

Cougars have large paws and sharp claws. They can see and hear very well. These cats are also known as panthers, mountain lions, and pumas.

Did you know?
Lions are the only cats that stay in groups in the wild. A group is called a pride. It hunts and lives together. Lions protect each other.