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My Cool Job: Roller Coaster Engineer

May 21, 2021

Larry Chickola is the vice president and chief corporate engineer of Six Flags theme parks. He spoke to TFK’s Rebecca Mordechai about his job. I’ve always loved theme parks. Growing up, I would visit Cedar Point amusement park. That’s in…



Let's Go Solar!

October 15, 2020

Have you noticed solar panels on top of a building? They use the sun’s energy. They turn it into electricity that people can use. Take a look! 1. Sunlight hits the solar panels. 2. The panels have tiny…



Get a Lift!

April 17, 2020

A pulley uses a wheel and a rope, cord, or chain. Pulleys help us lift things that are heavy. Here are some examples of pulleys at work. Setting Sail Sailboats use pulleys. Pulleys help raise the sails, turn the boat,…



New Heights

April 17, 2020

The world is full of incredible elevators. Many of them use pulleys. Here are a few of TFK’ s favorite elevators. The world’s fastest elevator is in Shanghai Tower, in China. It travels almost as fast as a cheetah can.…



Meet an Engineer

April 26, 2019

Roads don’t just appear by magic. Neither do sidewalks or traffic lights. These things are carefully planned by engineers. An engineer is a person who designs and builds things. YUNG KOPROWSKI (pictured) is an engineer. She works in transportation. She…


Mighty Drones

April 15, 2019

A drone is a type of aircraft. Some drones are tiny. Others are the size of an airplane. But drones are very different from airplanes. For one thing, they don’t carry people. Here’s the scoop on drones. Ready for Takeoff…



A Lifesaving Drone

April 15, 2019

Drones can save lives. The drone in this picture is a Zipline drone. It is being launched. A Zipline drone carries medical supplies. It takes them to people who are sick and far from help. A young girl in Africa…


Ready, Set, Code!

November 29, 2018

Computers need instructions. That’s where coders come in. Coders write programs. Programs tell a computer what to do. Here’s the scoop on coding. Problem Solvers Coders solve problems. They work together. They are creative. Coders are sometimes called programmers. A…



Cities of the Future

November 23, 2018

People are building a new kind of city. This type of city will not be on land. It will float on the ocean. The first floating city will be in French Polynesia. That is in the South Pacific Ocean. Construction…


Where in the World?

April 16, 2018

The world is full of amazing landmarks. Some are tall. Some are long. Some are thousands of years old. Learn about famous structures in five countries. Which structure is your favorite? The United States The Gateway Arch is in St.…
