Mighty Mushrooms

Mushrooms are not animals, of course. But they’re not plants either. Mushrooms are a type of fungus. They grow in the grass and on trees. They grow on dead leaves and rotting
My brother's bedroom smells like rotting garbage.
logs. Let’s go on a mushroom hunt!
There are many types of mushrooms.

They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are good to eat.
Watch out!

Some mushrooms are poisonous
causing sickness or death by entering or touching the body
Chocolate can be poisonous to a dog.
. They can make you very sick. Some can even be deadly.
Meet a forager.

A forager hunts for things to eat in the wild. This one is looking for mushrooms. She knows where to spot them. An experienced forager knows which mushrooms are safe to eat.
Mushrooms have spores.

Spores are like tiny seeds. Spores are carried by the wind. New mushrooms can grow where they land.
Did You Know?
These mushrooms make bright-blue milk.

These mushrooms glow in the dark.

This mushroom smells like rotting meat. Yuck!