Life in the Water

Sea mammals swim in the water. But they are not fish. They breathe air. They are warm-blooded, just like humans. Some sea mammals can also walk on land. Find out about these animals!

A Slow Swimmer
Manatees live in shallow water. They move slowly. They eat sea grass.

Going for a Spin
Spinner dolphins do tricks in the air. They twist and flip above the water.

Family Life
Orcas, or killer whales, live in big groups. A group hunts together. The orcas help each other stay safe.

Floating Along
Sea otters have thick fur. It keeps them warm. These mammals often float
to rest on top of a liquid
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The mat floated in the pool.
on top of the water. They can eat and sleep on their back.

How Long?
Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth. A blue whale can grow to be about 100 feet long. That’s as long as three school buses!
What is your favorite animal? Does it live in the water or on land?
Meet a Walrus
This sea mammal lives where it is cold and icy. Read about the parts of a walrus’s body. Then answer the questions.

1. Which body part helps a walrus find food?
2. Which body part helps a walrus stay warm?
3. Which body part is wrinkled and thick?