Every year, TIME makes a list. It shows the world’s greatest places. TIME for Kids picks some favorites. Where would you go first?
Sweet Tooth

Manam Chocolate is a chocolate factory. It is in India. Chocolate is made from cacao seeds. Visitors can see how. Then they can try some treats at the café.
Deep Dive

Dive Tutukaka is in New Zealand. It is for scuba divers who need extra help. There are wheelchair ramps. And there are experts with special training.
Roll Along

Natural Selection’s Guided Cycling Safari is in Africa. It is a bike tour. Riders will see giraffes and elephants. They might even see lions.
All Aboard

The Diyarbakir Express is a train. It goes across the country of Turkey. You can see the mountains from the train. Then you can hop off the train to explore.
Soccer Stadium

CPKC Stadium is new. It is the first soccer stadium built for a women’s pro team. It is in Kansas City. That is in Missouri.
Fab Lab

Kids make the rules at the Museum of Solutions. It is in India. Kids can have fun with math and art. There is also a big maze. Visitors can race through it.
Shine Bright

Under Canvas Lake Powell-Grand Staircase is in Utah. Guests sleep in big tents. It gets very dark at night. It is easy to see the stars there.