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8 Questions for Sonia Sotomayor


Sonia Sotomayor is the first Latina Supreme Court justice. She spoke to TFK’s Kio Herrera about her childhood, her career, and her new book.

1. What inspired you to write The Beloved World of Sonia Sotomayor?

I wanted to make my story accessible to kids. With this book, kids can understand my life and achievements through words and pictures.

2. You say the library was your sanctuary. Why?

When you’re unhappy or sad, like I was after my father died, you need a quiet place. You need a place where you feel safe. Libraries gave me that.

3. As a kid, you spent summers in Puerto Rico. Why is it important for kids to learn about their heritage heritage BERT KAUFMANN PHOTOGRAPHY/GETTY IMAGES the traditions and beliefs of a specific group of people (noun) Anthony visited Rome to explore his Italian heritage. ?

All of us experience feeling different. America was made by people who came from different lands. By keeping hold of your culture, you make America richer.

4. What is it like being the first Latina Supreme Court justice?

I understand being the first Latina Supreme Court justice is not just about me. It’s about the people who helped me grow up. I’m an example of where you can go if you try hard and accept help from those who love you.

5. How can kids make the country better?

Kids should remember that it is always within their power to be nice to someone. Get to know the people who serve your community. That’s what will make this a better world.

6. Any advice for kids who want to be lawyers?

When people can’t agree among themselves, they come to lawyers and courts for help. If you have a passion for helping people and study hard—those things will help you become a lawyer.

7. What do you hope readers learn from your book?

I hope they come away knowing that it doesn’t matter where you start off in life. Through education and hard work, you can become almost anything you want. It is my wish that they understand there is always reason to hope.

8. What do you want your legacy to be?

I hope people remember me as being aware of how profoundly profoundly LUKAS SCHULZE/PICTURE ALLIANCE—GETTY IMAGES very deeply (adverb) Juan was profoundly influenced by the art of Picasso. the law impacts people’s lives. Judges can’t make law, but it is important to be sensitive to how it impacts people. The ability to say “I understand” really helps how we communicate.