Kid of the Week: Sarah Leng

Why is your robotics team called S.O.U.P.? What a fun name!
S.O.U.P. stands for Serving Our Underserved Population.
How do you S.O.U.P.?
We spread STEM to children 4 to 14 of families with lower incomes and less access to education. We host STEM nights and day camps at Title I schools. STEM nights offer fun, quick activities. Spin art allows kids to work with simple machines that use motors and gears. Kids build catapults with popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and spoons to learn about force. Our day camps are more in-depth. We teach programming.
How does your team raise funds?
We pitch our team to potential sponsors by sharing our mission, showcasing our successful events, and presenting proposals.
What impact are you most proud of?
We’re proud of our STEM nights with great turnout and our camps, where we taught programming.
The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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