Dinosaur World

Paleontologists are people who hunt for fossils. They want to learn about the past. They dig up dinosaur bones all over the world. Have you heard of these creatures?
United States — Tyrannosaurus Rex
Many T. rex bones have been dug up in Montana.
United Kingdom — Iguanodon
An iguanodon fossil was first found here, in 1825. Scientists still find these dinos’ footprints here.
China — Sinosauropteryx
The discovery of this dinosaur taught us that dinos may have had feathers!
Australia — Titanosaur
A titanosaur skeleton was found here. Scientists gave it a nickname: Wade!
Morocco — Spinosaurus
This dinosaur was first found in Morocco. It lived near water. It was a good swimmer.
Argentina — Argentinosaurus
This dino was first found in Argentina, in 1987. Can you guess how it got its name?