Have you heard of mummies? In ancient Egypt, kings and wealthy
having a lot of money
The wealthy man has a very big house.
people were made into mummies after they died. Read on to learn more about mummies.
Mummies were wrapped up tight.

The body was dried with salt. Then it was wrapped in cloth. A mummy is wrapped in many feet of cloth.
Mummies were put in cases.

A mummy’s coffin was placed inside a sarcophagus. A sarcophagus was usually made of stone. It was often carved or painted.
Mummies were buried with special objects.

There might be jewelry. There could be food, clothing, and statues.
Mummies were placed in tombs.

A tomb is a burial place. Some Egyptian tombs are beneath pyramids
a building with four sides that come to a point at the top, which serves as a burial place
We saw the pyramids while sightseeing in Egypt.
. Others are in a place called the Valley of the Kings.
Where in the World?

Egypt is not the only place where the dead were buried as mummies. Mummies have also been found in Peru.