Summer Celebrations

In the United States, four national national having to do with a country (adjective) The bald eagle is the natonal bird of the United States. holidays happen during the summer season. The first is in May. The last is in September. How does your family observe these holidays?
Memorial Day

This holiday honors U.S. military members who died in war. It is on the last Monday of May. It is also the unofficial beginning of summer.

The holiday’s name comes from June 19. It celebrates the end of slavery in the U.S. That was in 1865. It became a federal federal having to do with a country's government (adjective) The White House is one of many federal buildings in Washington, D.C. holiday in 2021.
Independence Day

This holiday is also called the Fourth of July. On this day, the American colonies said they would no longer be ruled by Britain. They would become their own country. That was in 1776. People celebrate with fireworks. Boom!
Labor Day

This holiday honors American workers. It is on the first Monday in September. It is also the unofficial end of summer. People go to parades. They have picnics.