Here Comes Thanksgiving

There is so much to see, smell, taste, feel, and hear on this holiday!

What can you see at Thanksgiving? You can watch a parade. Look at the big balloons! They float
to drift easily through water or air
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The bubbles floated through the playground.
above the crowd.

What can you hear at Thanksgiving? You can hear music and songs. Let your ears take in the sounds.

What can you smell at Thanksgiving? Use your nose to smell delicious foods. This girl is sniffing
to breathe in strongly through your nose
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Olivia held the rose up to her nose and sniffed.
a pumpkin pie. What other foods can you smell?

What can you feel at Thanksgiving? You can feel your family’s hands. Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family and give thanks.

You can taste all the flavors of the holiday. What tastes salty? What tastes sweet? Try all the Thanksgiving foods!

It’s Thanksgiving, and Farmer Rich is seeing double. He has six turkeys. Each turkey has a twin. Find three pairs.