The Kid Report: Spring Ahead

On March 12, clocks will “spring forward,” giving us an extra hour of sunlight in the evening until November. Sounds good, right? But daylight saving time is a hotly debated topic. Even among lawmakers and experts, there’s disagreement over whether to make daylight saving time permanent. For more on this debate, check out “Spring Ahead,” in this week’s TIME for Kids. TFK Kid Reporter Sarayu Bhumula, 12, asked her principal and schoolmates to weigh in on the debate.

Making daylight saving time permanent would eliminate the need for students to change their sleep schedules twice a year. My principal, Mrs. Blevins, says that’s a good thing. She says the current shift can hurt kids’ grades as they adjust.
I took a survey of the students in grades 6, 7, and 8 at my school. Eighty-four percent said they prefer later sunsets. They want this even if it means losing an hour of daylight in the morning. “Waking up in the dark will probably be difficult for some people,” Mrs. Blevins told me. “Especially arriving at school in the dark.” She says we might feel a little tired or groggy. But she thinks the sunnier afternoons will help students gain motivation and energy.