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This Week in TFK History: Climate Change

Time flies! The first issue of TIME for Kids was published in September 1995. That means TFK is turning 25. To honor our 25th anniversary, we’re pulling TFK stories from the archives and highlighting them in this space. Each archival issue relates to something in the news today. We hope these stories provide background for the things you’ll read about.

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This week, we’re exploring how seaweed can combat climate change. TFK first wrote about the climate crisis in one of its earliest issues, dated September 29, 1995. Readers learned that the heat-trapping gases carbon dioxide and methane were causing the Earth to warm. They also learned about the harmful effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and unpredictable weather.

Twenty-five years later, climate change is still in the headlines. As more people have become aware of the problem, they’ve spoken out about the urgent need for action. Activists have pressed leaders for climate-friendly policies. And young people around the world are taking charge in the fight to protect the planet.