Most snakes come from eggs.
Female snakes lay eggs on the ground. They coil
to wind something into circles
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Jake’s dad coiled the hose so it wouldn’t get stepped on
around the eggs to keep them safe.

Birds come from eggs.
Most birds lay eggs in a nest. It takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch.

This mammal lays eggs.
This is an echidna. It is special. Only a few mammals lay eggs. A female echidna lays an egg in a pouch
a pocket of skin on the stomach of some female animals
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Female kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch.
on her body. The egg is warm there.

Most frogs come from eggs.
Frogs live on land and in water. They lay eggs in the water. Females lay many eggs at one time. The eggs are like jelly.

Did You Know?
The ostrich is the biggest bird. It lays the largest eggs of any animal. An ostrich egg can weigh five pounds!

How are the eggs in this issue different from each other?

A Sea Turtle’s Life
Sea turtles come from eggs. Read about the turtles. Then answer the questions.

1. What are baby sea turtles called?
2. How many eggs does a sea turtle lay?
3. True or false: Sea turtles lay eggs in a nest.
4. How long does it take for baby sea turtles to hatch?