Give Me Some Skin!

What is the body’s largest organ organ a part of the body that has a specific job (noun) The skin is one of the human body's most important organs. ? Skin! Skin is the body’s outside layer. It protects your body. Here’s the scoop on skin.
In Control

Skin helps keep the body at the right temperature. We get goose bumps when it’s cold. We sweat when it’s hot.
Gentle Touch

Skin has nerve nerve a string of body tissue that carries messages to and from the brain (noun) The optic nerve in your eye is what allows you to see. endings. They send messages to the brain when we touch things. How do you think this cat’s fur feels?
Young and Old

Skin changes with age. Look at the baby’s skin. It is soft and smooth. Look at the grandmother’s skin. It is wrinkled wrinkle having the small lines and folds that appear with age (adjective) As Mitch got older, his face became wrinkled. .
Freckle Face

Skin can have freckles. Some freckles are caused by the sun. They show that the skin is sensitive to the sun’s rays.
Did You Know?

The sun’s rays are strong. They can damage your skin. Are you going outside? Remember to wear sunscreen. It protects against sunburns.