You Sensed It!

We take in new information all the time. We do it with our five senses. These are the senses of sight, taste, touch, hearing, and smell. How do you use your five senses at Thanksgiving?
Open Your Eyes
Look around! Thanksgiving is full of festive
cheerful and exciting
Sarah's birthday party was a festive occasion.
sights. You can see a parade. It has colorful floats.

Take a Bite
Thanksgiving is a time for yummy foods. Your tongue has taste buds. They tell the brain how things taste. Tastes include salty, sweet, and sour.

Time to Touch
Breaking the turkey’s wishbone is a Thanksgiving tradition. The bone feels smooth. The person who gets the bigger piece is said to have good luck. Snap!

Listen Up
Tune in
tune in
Watching tv and using remote control
to watch or listen to a broadcast (as on TV or radio)
Tune in to the nightly news for the results of today's election.
to the sounds of Thanksgiving. Do you hear the voices of family and friends? Listen closely! What is your favorite holiday sound?

Breathe Deeply
Thanksgiving smells nice! You might smell the turkey cooking. You might smell freshly baked pie. What is your favorite holiday scent
a smell
I love the scent of roses.