Inspired by Kids

Shiver me timbers! The Story Pirates think kids have great ideas. The group uses these ideas to create shows, books, and podcasts. Read on to learn more about the Story Pirates’ work.
Think Big

The Story Pirates visit schools. They help kids make up stories. Then they perform
to entertain an audience
I can't wait to perform at the dance recital this weekend.
the stories in front of students.
From Page to Stage

The Story Pirates are known for their live shows. The shows are funny. They are full of energy.
Podcast Power

There is a Story Pirates podcast. That is a show you can listen to on a phone or computer. Story Pirates tell stories and play songs.
Stories by Kids, for Kids

The Story Pirates create books. The idea for Digging Up Danger came from Phoebe Wolinetz. She is 9 years old.
Try It!

Dream up your own story. Who are the main characters? Where does it take place? Swap stories with a classmate. Act out each other’s tales.