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United States

The Nation's Court

January 3, 2020

When people have big disagreements, they might need to go to court. Courts settle arguments. They make important decisions. In the United States, the top court is the Supreme Court. Let’s learn about it. Welcome to the Supreme Court The…


United States

Welcome to Washington, D.C.

January 3, 2020

Our nation’s capital is full of landmarks. They honor important Americans. They also tell the story of our country’s history. Here are a few famous landmarks. Which one would you like to visit? Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equal…


United States

Take a Tour

December 17, 2018

The White House is in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. The White House is more than 200 years old. It is where the president and the First Family live. See what happens in America’s most famous home. The president works. …


United States

Lincoln's Life

December 22, 2017

Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States from 1861 to 1865. We remember him each year on Presidents’ Day. He led the U.S. during the Civil War. Read about his life. A Hard Worker Lincoln was born in a…


United States

Our New President

December 6, 2016

On November 8, Americans elected Donald Trump to lead our country. Millions of people voted. Some people picked Hillary Clinton for president. Others voted for Donald Trump. He will become president on January 20, 2017. Clinton would have been the…


United States

Who Wants to Be President?

September 16, 2016

On November 8, Americans will vote for a new president. Hillary Clinton belongs to the Democratic Party. Donald Trump belongs to the Republican Party. Find out about them. Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago, Illinois. This is her…
