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Best Inventions of 2022

February 3, 2023

Every year, TIME magazine makes a list of the best inventions. TIME picked 200 inventions in 2022. Read about seven of them here. They change how we work. They change how we play. Bear Hugs Hugimals are stuffed animals. They…



Good Reads

February 3, 2023

Books are a great way to learn. They can teach you about the world. They can teach you about yourself. Books are lots of fun, too. Here are four good ones. Which would you most like to read? Ria Thundercloud…



Babies Are Born

February 3, 2023

Many animals are born in the spring. The weather is warmer. The days are longer. The plants that animals eat start to grow. Here are four kinds of baby animals you might see in spring. A baby rabbit is called…



How Old?

February 3, 2023

A life span is the amount of time an animal usually lives. Different types of animals have different life spans. Mayfly (Above) Adult female mayflies might live only five minutes. Adult males can live two whole days! Aldabra Giant Tortoise …


United States

Read Across America

February 3, 2023

Read Across America Day is a celebration of reading. It is March 2. It started 25 years ago, in 1998. It was introduced by the National Education Association (NEA). The group recommends books to read. It chooses books with diverse…



Martial Arts

January 27, 2023

There are different types of martial arts. Many started in Asia. Some were used for battle. Today, martial arts are popular with children. They help kids stay fit and focused. Karate means “empty hand.” Hands and feet are used to…



The Mother of Women's Judo

January 27, 2023

In 1959, Rusty Kanokogi won a judo contest. It was in New York. But her award was taken away. That was because she was a woman. She had pretended to be a man to compete. After that, Kanokogi set a…


TFK Press Club

What Do You See in Space?

January 19, 2023

A comet is passing Earth for the first time since the days of the Neanderthals. It’s called Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), and is visible with a telescope, binoculars, or even the naked eye, if it remains bright enough. NASA says…


TFK Press Club

What's Your Tech Story?

January 12, 2023

Technology is always advancing. Incredible inventions appear every year. In 2022, these included sunglasses that boost color and a bionic hand. But technology reporting involves more than just telling readers about new inventions. It goes into how technology is used,…


TFK Press Club

What's Your Tradition?

January 5, 2023

Many people greet the new year with special traditions, from watching fireworks to eating 12 grapes for good luck. Another tradition is the First Day Hikes. They began near Boston, Massachusetts, in 1992, with 380 people. Now, thousands of people…


TFK Press Club

Want to Write a Profile?

December 15, 2022

A profile is a news article that focuses on a person. It can be about a celebrity, a politician, or even an individual in your community who’s doing something noteworthy. Typically, a profile includes information about the person’s career, interests,…



Visit the Grasslands

December 14, 2022

Grasslands are found all over the world. They are large and flat. They are usually covered in grass. Plants and animals live on grasslands. Learn more about this habitat. In the Middle Grasslands get more rain than deserts do.…



Grasslands Food Chain

December 14, 2022

Do you know some of these plants and animals? They live on grasslands in Africa. Learn how energy moves among them. Primary Producers Plants use sunlight and water to grow. Animals eat them. This gives the animals energy. Primary Consumers …



A Storyteller

December 14, 2022

Grace Lin entered a writing contest when she was young. She won fourth place. That inspired her to make books. Now, she has made more than 20 books for kids. Read on to learn more about Lin. Lin is a…



What Makes a Story?

December 14, 2022

Reading stories is fun. So is writing them. Stories are like a roller coaster. They have ups and downs. A story has three main parts. The beginning is the first part. We meet the characters. We learn the setting. That…
